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Addressing the Challenges of the EdTech Industry in 2024

EdTech industry

With the CAGR for the EdTech market being around 13% and rising rapidly due to the ever-evolving nature of technology, it’s essential for business growth to stay ahead of the curve in terms of both upcoming trends and challenges.

As the fourth quarter of the year has already started, now is the perfect time to start preparing for the next one. To do that, you probably want to spend some time researching oncoming trends and trying to foresee the challenges that your business will be up against.

That’s exactly the goal of this article – to present the biggest oncoming challenges in the EdTech industry but also to include some possible solutions in order to help you overcome them with ease.

Digital Divide and Accessibility

The first challenge worth mentioning is something everyone working in education in any of its forms is very familiar with. Not all students have the same means, and it’s the instructor’s job to make that divide as invisible as possible. However, with technology involved, the gap grows even wider.

In a world where EdTech is becoming the norm, this divide threatens to further educational inequalities. Students from underserved communities often lack the reliable internet connections and devices required for online learning.

The fact of the matter is that educational institutions alone cannot overcome this hurdle – the government must be involved to some extent in order to help social equity. But, until that larger goal is reached, there are a few steps you can take to optimise your platform to be more accommodating.

For example, an EdTech solution can be tailored so that it supports low-bandwidth environments. Another suggestion is to make the interface intuitive enough so that even the students who don’t spend a lot of time online can find their way around without any prior digital experience.

Data Privacy and Security

The fact that so much of education and learning has shifted to the online world after 2020 raises questions regarding the data that all platforms and tools inevitably gather. Staff, students, and parents are all equally concerned about the sensitive information that exists on these systems and the related ethical and legal considerations.
In the past, we have seen that data breaches and privacy scandals aren’t impossible. However, they have only served to underscore the urgency of this issue and raise awareness of the importance of online security.
To best tackle this challenge, schools must take a multifaceted approach. The essential steps include:

  • Robust encryption measures,
  • Clear and transparent data usage policies,
  • Collaboration with regulatory institutions in establishing and enforcing regulations,
  • Giving users more control over their data.

To best address these steps, creating a tailor-made platform is one of the best options, as it allows you the certainty that data privacy and security are prioritised. This will not only give you peace of mind but also inspire confidence among your users, giving you a stand-out position in the industry.

Teacher Training and Integration

One of the most critical challenges of bringing EdTech into 2024 is ensuring that all your staff is equipped with the right knowledge and understanding to be able to use it to their biggest advantage. Not only that, but they must be so well-versed that they can effectively teach their students to use the platform as well.
Thankfully, a lot of teachers are eager to adopt new technologies, with over 70% stating that they’re planning on incorporating AI into their lessons in the coming year. Still, there are also other types of teachers at schools, and some of them prefer traditional methods. For this reason, it is vital to introduce teacher training sessions – not only will they grow their knowledge, but hopefully, their optimism as well.
This task is by no means easy to do. It is necessary to carve out a significant amount of time and resources in order to ensure that the new processes are being put to good use. Besides, why make an investment in EdTech tools if the teachers won’t use all the functionalities?
To successfully take this next step, your staff will need ongoing support. You could, for example, enter into a partnership with EdTech specialists or IT teams that will be there to answer all questions and help with the integration process. On top of delegating resources for training and the right support, your staff will also need time to adjust to the innovations, so make sure to set your goals accordingly.

Lack of Tailored Learning Experiences

Providing a tailored learning experience to your students could be the deciding factor in both how well they retain the new knowledge and how they perceive your institution. So, for example, if you’re running a non-mandatory educational institution (e.g., online classes, university, or similar), your students’ dissatisfaction can lead to a loss of revenue on your end.

Educational technology brought with it a promise to help customise student learning paths, but that’s not always the reality. Unfortunately, lots of EdTech solutions that are currently available are cookie-cutter replicas of each other and are starting to look more like traditional teaching methods just transferred onto a computer screen.

In order to truly stand out in your industry and get recognised as a leader, you must overcome this challenge. The solution lies in the development and adoption of custom-made learning platforms. That way, you’re harnessing the ability to revolutionise education by allowing for tailored learning experiences that adapt in real time to each student's needs.


As you can see, the main challenges that the EdTech industry is expecting in 2024 all revolve around fine-tuning solutions and making them more available to both staff and students. In solving some of these challenges, outside help will be necessary. However, most of them can be overcome with a bit of time and dedication.

Investing in a tailor-made platform could be one possible approach that will ensure you’re contributing to overcoming these challenges. If you make it intuitive to use, able to withstand low-bandwidth environments, prioritise data safety, and include customisable learning paths, you’re sure to enter 2024 ready for all the challenges it brings.

To get started working on your custom EdTech platform, all you need to do is book a meeting with Valcon SEE. Then, after we’ve heard your ideas and business requirements, we’ll put our best IT specialists to the task and keep you updated and included every step of the way.

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