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BoatBikeTours connects their systems with their new booking platform

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About BoatBikeTours

BoatBikeTours has been active for 40 years in the shipping and cruises industry. For the last 15 years, the company has further developed to become the tour operator for active holidays, with a specific focus on cycling for people coming from elsewhere for a holiday. BoatBikeTours is a hyper-growth company, and currently has 25 ships with an occupancy of 800 beds per week.


BoatBikeTours connects their systems with their new booking platform

About BoatBikeTours

BoatBikeTours has been active for 40 years in the shipping and cruises industry. For the last 15 years, the company has further developed to become the tour operator for active holidays, with a specific focus on cycling for people coming from elsewhere for a holiday. BoatBikeTours is a hyper-growth company, and currently has 25 ships with an occupancy of 800 beds per week.

The challenge

Four years ago BoatBikeTours decided they needed an update of their booking platform. Their system at the time was outdated and difficult to connect to other systems such as Salesforce. The platform was a SaaS product used by a lot of customers for booking bungalow parks and holiday homes. The challenge was that they would pay per booking, and when BoatBikeTours started growing exponentially this proved an issue. Together with Typeqast they decided to build a whole new booking system.

The solution

Currently Typeqast and BoatBikeTours are iterating and further developing the system, but the core of it stands. They started with the old booking system, and with Typeqast they connected this system to Salesforce and upgraded the CRM. The team added features so groups could effortlessly book their holidays. The platform is much more efficient and is currently maintained, and new products and requirements are added over time. 

The results

Also with the help of the new platform, BoatBikeTours has realized hypergrowth in the past years. The main benefit has been how much more efficient the booking process has become, and not only for BoatBikeTours but for its customers too. The platform is now state-of-the-art and open. They have since made big steps in CRM, marketing, business and sales, due to being able to connect systems together with a modern platform.

all systems are now able to connect

the platform was built within time & budget


Why Typeqast?

‘’Typeqast is the tailor-made solution we needed. Because of the structure of Typeqast, we were able to build a platform within the time and budget we set aside for it. We loved our collaboration between teams!’’

 – Laurens Winkel – Owner BoatBikeTours

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